How to Grow Your Facebook Group

If you’re part of the Milmina community, you know we want to double the value. We are a group of thorough, ambitious, and thoughtful women. & I take great pride in managing our bungalow family. Once someone joins us, the comment I hear the most is, “Wow, how did you find all these amazing women…and … Read more

Social Media Marketing 101

Some people may call this fad the new “marketing”, but you’ll soon come to find out that social media marketing is here to stay. And in our opinion, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon! Social media has become a very powerful tool in today’s society. Why? Because people love to talk about themselves and let … Read more

How to Create a Social Media Strategy

Introduction Social media has become an important, if not essential, tool for businesses of all sizes. Gone are the days of organic growth only; companies now need to be very proactive with their social media strategies in order to reach their target audiences. This is especially true since there are more than five billion internet … Read more

Social Media Advertising

What is social media advertising and how does it work? Social media advertising is a way to promote your brand or product through social media sites. Sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter count on advertisements in order to stay profitable. The most popular type of social media ads are advertisements that go directly into … Read more

Why Use Social Media Marketing

The purpose of this article is to address the important question in the title. There are many reasons why social media marketing should be one of your marketing mediums, but in today’s world, people will usually say that you must use it for your business. Every marketer should have at least an understanding of how … Read more

What Is a Common issue With Social Media Marketing Plans?

Social media marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to marketing your business. Successful social media strategies for small businesses vary from large companies because every company’s needs are different. However, there are a few common issues that most businesses run into when embarking on a social media campaign. These issues include: 1. … Read more

How do Businesses use Social Media for Marketing

social marketing, social media marketing (SMM), or some marketing is the use of various social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Social media marketing involves techniques such as search engine optimization, paid advertising using pay per click, via email blasts, or through creating valuable content with influencers in order to drive … Read more

How Much Does Social Media Marketing Cost

Social Media Marketing is just like any other market product or service. The price varies depending on the products and services offered. These products share major similarities such as customizing, customer support and promotion of brand awareness. But what distinguishes how much does social media marketing cost from other products and services sold is that … Read more

Why is Social Media Marketing Important

Social media marketing is the new kind of advertising; it’s appealing because businesses can reach their target audiences and measure results. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others enable marketers to understand key demographics: age, interests, and location of consumers that ‘like’ their products or services. Social media also offers many benefits for regular … Read more